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{Personal} {Persuasive} {Research} {Comparison & Contrast}8th Grade MCAS Rubric  {Tom Sawyer Scrapbook}

Poetry Assessment Task






Content Advanced poetic meaning with vivid imagery using a variety of poetic devices throughout Meaningful, effectively created imagery and feelings using at least 2 poetic devices Some meaning, feelings and imagery apparent; only one poetic device used Very limited meaning, feelings, and imagery apparent; no poetic devices used
Following Directions Very effectively adhered to poem rules & guidelines Effectively adhered to poem rules & guidelines Somewhat adhered to poem rules & guidelines Poems do not adhere to rules & guidelines
Vocabulary Very high level vocab; vividly descriptive choice of words; good figurative language used Adequate use of words with some descriptive and figurative language Too much slang; unclear meaning; little description and figurative language Inadequate vocab; no figurative language
Organization Very well organized poems; in booklet form with cover & pages neatly secure Adequately organized poems; pages neat and secure with a cover Some organization of poems; no cover; simply stapled; may have inappropriate paper for final copy Limited organization; unsecured pages; tears or inappropriate paper for final copy
Mechanics of Writing No errors Almost no errors Some errors but do not interfere with meaning Multiple errors; meaning is confusing or lost
Creativity Very clever; original; poetic feelings & creativity; many illustrations Displays creative thinking; some poetic feelings; some illustrations Limited creative thinking; limited poetic feelings; very few illustrations

Lacks creativity; no illustrations;Very simple expression


Due Date On time One day late Two days late Three/more days late

Criteria Professional Proficient Acceptable Unacceptable
Introduction Sophisticated explanation of what, where, and when achievement occurs Clear explanation of what, where, and when achievement occurs Reasonable explanation but missing information and vagueness or confusion Little or no explanation of what, where, or when achievement occurs
Organization Excellent planning and well organized Logical sequence and order evident throughout Some sequence and order of events No sequencing of events or order
Sentence Structure & Paragraph Development Consistent use of complete complex sentences. Correct and skillful use of paragraphs with transitions. Complete, complex, and varied sentences. Correct use of paragraphs.

Complete, simple awkward sentences.
Limited use of paragraphs


No paragraphing
Run on and/ or fragment sentences


Details Skillful and extensive use of powerful details Details used consistently throughout Limited use of meaningful details No details
Word choice Use of colorful, vivid, descriptive words- figurative and sensory language Use of effective and descriptive words Plain words accurately used Incorrect and ineffective use of words
Mechanics of Writing No errors Almost no errors Some errors but do not interfere with clarity and fluency Multiple errors interfere with clarity and fluency
Formatting of written presentation Neat, professional; attractive extra care to details; double spaced; proper indentation Neat, easy to read throughout; double spaced; quality print; 0-1 space problem; 0-1 indentation problem

Sometimes hard to read; some messy
areas; double spaced; draft quality; 2 space problems; 2 indentation problems
OR  Single spaced 

Sloppy; hard to read; crossed-out; careless throughout; single spaced; draft quality; 3+ space problems; 3+ indentation problems








-Untidy pages, cross-outs, or white out markings
-Less than one page double spaced or handwritten
-Little or no heading

-Some erasures, cross-outs, or white out used
-Some pages are somewhat untidy
-1 page double spaced or handwritten
-Heading incomplete
-Incorrect font size

-Pages are neat, uniform, and bound together securely
-1-2 pages doubled spaced or handwritten
-Heading is complete
-Font size is 11-12 pt.

-Very neat, typed, or computer generated
-1-2 pages double spaced using 11-12 pt. font size
-Sophisticated creative heading and format



-Little or no persuasive techniques used
-Confusing and disorganized thoughts
-Demonstrates little or no understanding about persuasive writing

-Some persuasive techniques used     
-Ineffective use of  logical order of techniques
-1-2 examples to illustrate points


-Effective use of persuasive techniques
-Logical and effective use of order
-Effective use of three examples to illustrate points

-Very effective use of 3 persuasive techniques 
-Very effective use of logical order of techniques 
-Very effective use of 3 or more examples to illustrate points


-Incomplete sentences
-Unclear, disorganized
-No use of mechanics of writing
-Only one or two sentences
-Inappropriate use or no use of paragraphing format

-Some main ideas and details are incomplete or missing
-Some sentences are incomplete and disorganized
-3 or 4 sentences written


-Organized paragraphs with a clear main idea and at least 3 supporting details
-Complete sentences are used


-Well written sentences with effective detailed facts to support opinions
-Creative, concise, and sophisticated language



-No use of mechanics of writing
-Missing or incomplete
-Disorganized ideas
-One or two sentences
-No evidence of understanding of persuasive writing

-Partially organized
-Some points have been addressed
-3 or 4 sentences
-Some may be incomplete
-Some significant errors in mechanics
-Some evidence of understanding of persuasive writing

-Organized and complete sentences
-Shows broad understanding of persuasive writing


-Very well organized paragraphs 
-Sophisticated and insightful ideas and conclusions 
-A deep understanding of persuasive writing -Outstanding use of language


-Significant errors in mechanics of writing
(spelling, capitalization, and punctuation)

-Mechanics of writing has some significant errors
(spelling, capitalization, and punctuation)

-Mechanics of writing are used properly
(spelling, capitalization, and punctuation)

-Accurate use mechanics of writing
(spelling, capitalization, and punctuation)


-No presentation given but some preparation
-Very ineffective use of voice and body language

-Some evidence practice of reading with some errors
-Ineffective use of voice and body language

-Rehearsed in reading almost no errors in reading
-Effective use of voice and body language

-Very effective use of voice and body language  -Well prepared and rehearsed -Audience captivating

Research Project Assessment Rubric

Criteria Awesome Admirable Acceptable Amateur

-Reflects an organizational structure appropriate to assignment -Uses engaging beginning & thoughtful ending -Moves smoothly from one idea to the next
-Clearly focused

-Reflects an organizational structure appropriate to assignment
-Uses an appropriate beginning & ending 
-Primarily focused around a controlling idea or thesis  
-Most of the time moves smoothly from one idea to the next

-Reflects some organizational structure appropriate to assignment
-Ideas, information or data not presented coherently and transitions not always smooth
-Conclusion not supported by data or information

-Lacks clear organization or organizational structure inappropriate
-Lacks beginning & ending or is inappropriate 
-Lacks focus around controlling ideas or thesis 
-Does not move smoothly from one idea to the next

Content Accuracy

-Provides specific, accurate, precise information or data
-Draws thoughtful conclusions supported by information or data
-Uses precise & accurate vocabulary


-Provides primarily specific, accurate, precise, information or data with few generalities -Draws conclusions supported by information or data
-Uses effective & appropriate vocabulary 
-Reflects consideration of importance, value or impact of assignment

-Sometimes provides specific, accurate, precise, information or data with several  generalities 
-Many conclusions not supported by information or data
-Some ineffective & inappropriate vocabulary 
-Somewhat reflects consideration of importance, value or impact of assignment

-Provides little specific information or data or provides information or data which is inaccurate
-Draws no conclusions or draws conclusions which are unsupported by information or data
-Use of ineffective or inappropriate vocabulary



-Utilizes a wide variety of sources appropriate to the study 
-Utilizes credible, timely sources -Adheres precisely to project guidelines


-Utilizes a variety of sources appropriate to the study 
-Utilizes credible, timely sources -Adheres consistently to project guidelines

-Utilizes some variety of sources appropriate to the study 
-Some sources are  credible & timely -Some adhesion to project guidelines

-Lacks a variety of sources appropriate to the study assignment 
-Uses resources which lack credibility or are not timely  -Shows little or no evidence of adhesion to project guidelines


-Extremely clever & presented with originality 
-A unique approach that truly enhanced project

-Clever at times, thoughtfully & uniquely  presented  -Added a few original touches to enhance project but did not incorporate it throughout -Little creative energy used during this project; was bland, predictable & lacked “zip”
Conventions of Language

-Uses varied and structurally correct sentences
-Uses correct mechanics & usage


-Uses structurally correct sentences with some sentence variety
-Uses correct mechanics & usage

-Uses sentence structure or usage & mechanics with multiple errors but does not interfere with understanding & communication -Uses sentence structure or usage & mechanics with multiple errors interfere with understanding & communication

Rubric for Comparison and Contrast Essay












Clearly identifies objective in 1st paragraph; identifies titles, authors, genres.  Identifies significant categories to be compared & contrasted.  Addresses each point in the order stated.  Uses transitions/linking words between paragraphs & sentences consistently.  Gives brief summary of each lit. piece.  Highly organized with conscientious thought; insightful; creative.

Clearly identifies objective in 1st paragraph; identifies titles, authors, genres.  Identifies categories to be compared & contrasted with some concern as to significance.  Addresses some points in the order stated.  Uses transitions/linking words between paragraphs & sentences occasionally.  Gives brief summary of each lit. piece in 1st paragraph.  Good organization; some insight.

Objective not clearly stated in 1st paragraph.  May or may not identify titles, authors, or genres.  Categories to be compared & contrasted not clearly stated.  Selected some significant points to compare & contrast.  Addresses several points out of order.  Makes some use of transitions/ linking words throughout the piece.  Summarizes plot often with little thought to comparison & contrast.  Some organization; little insight.

No clear objective stated.  Does not identify titles, authors, or genres.  Categories not clearly stated.  Selected mostly insignificant points to compare & contrast.  Addresses points out of order.  Makes little to no use of transitions/ linking words.  Little or no summary of the two lit.  pieces. Weak organization.



Supports with details from text; each category identified.  Uses and explains quotes and examples.  Demonstrates high level of figurative and literal interpretation.

Supports with details from text; only some categories identified.  Uses quotes and examples occasionally with limited explanations.  Demonstrates a good literal interpretation with limited figurative interpretation.

Gives few examples to support categories.  Gives some explanation for examples used.  Does not use quotes from text.  Explains on literal level only.

Gives one or no example to support each category.  Does not use quotes from text.  Explains on literal level only.  In general, very limited explanation.


Word Choice/


Uses powerful and appropriate vocabulary.  Uses words/phrases appropriate for compare and contrast (not only…on the other hand, etc.) No errors in usage or   vocabulary.

Uses appropriate vocabulary.  Uses some words/phrases appropriate for compare and contrast.  May have only one to two errors in usage and vocabulary combined.

Uses ordinary vocabulary.  Occasionally uses words/ phrases appropriate for compare and contrast. Two or more errors in vocabulary and usage.

Uses ordinary vocabulary.  Makes no use of words/ phrases appropriate for compare and contrast. Multiple errors in vocabulary  and usage.


Sentence Structure

No run-on sentences; no fragments.  Uses variety in sentence structures.  Uses variety in sentence beginnings.

Has one run-on sentence; one fragment.  Uses variety in sentence structures.  Uses some variety in sentence beginnings.

Has more than one run-on sentence and/ or fragment.  Uses same sentence order (subj.-verb)  Has little variety in sentence beginnings.

Has more than two run-on sentence and/ or fragment.  Uses same sentence order (subj.-verb)  Has no variety in sentence beginnings.


Mechanics of Writing

Has no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, nor capitalization

Has one-two errors grammar, spelling, punctuation, nor capitalization

Has three or more errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, nor capitalization

Has multiple errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, nor capitalization



8th MCAS Long Composition- Topic Development


Key Features of Topic Development

Descriptions of Development with Conventions


*out of control, rambling
*issue may be implied
*doesn’t follow point up with
much evidence
*little development
*no introduction or  conclusion

* There is virtually no development to this essay. There is little organization-an introductory sentence and a conclusion. The essay is generally unfocussed, and the writer’s examples do not support his/her argument. Conventions: (Score point 1) This writer’s errors seriously interfere with communication across all criteria-sentences, grammar, usage, and punctuation.


*glimmer of a single argument
*takes a position with a
weak introduction and conclusion
*limited development
*limited support for development

* This essay has better organization than development, which is weak. The details do not further the writer’s argument. The opening is strong. Conventions :(Score point 2) Spelling and punctuation errors interfere somewhat with the writer'’ communication.
The writer has organized what’s here, but the development is limited. The writer’s details do not further his/her argument. The sentences are repetitive.  Conventions: (Score point 3) There is an indication of control of conventions. There are some errors, but they are not disproportionate to the essay’s length and complexity.


*more then a glimmer
*has an introduction and
*takes a position in a general way
*develops one reason
*could say two reasons but only  supports one

*simple language

* This essay’s development is rudimentary and repetitive. The organization is also rudimentary; the student wanders off the subject with movies, etc.  Conventions: (Score point 2) Punctuation and spelling errors are disproportionate to the length and complexity of this essay.
The development of this essay is better than its organization, though the details and examples are not fully explained. The language is simplistic, and the sentences are sometimes repetitive. Overall, this essay is rudimentary.  Conventions: (Score point 3) Errors, though present, are not disproportionate to the length and complexity of the essay.
This essay has rudimentary development and reasonable organization, although the writer appears to have misunderstood the prompt. The language is simplistic. Convention: (Score point 3) While three are some errors, they do not interfere with the communication of the writer.


*few if any specifics
*introduction and conclusion
*takes a position
*gives two reasons with moderate development for each
*lacks specifics
*an adequate general argument about two reasons*could be better organized
* Though repetitive, this essay has moderate development and organization. The writer makes good use of details to support his/her argument. There is some variety of language.  Conventions: (Score point 3) The errors present do not interfere with communication, but the language is not complex enough for one to say the writer demonstrated control of conventions.
* This essay is moderately developed. It is moderately organized; it wanders in the third and fourth paragraphs. The writer provides few details to support the argument, and some examples sound like threats. The language is repetitive.  Conventions : (Score point 3) The errors present do not interfere with the communication of the writer.


*fully developed
*introduction and conclusion
*takes a position with two reasons
*usually high specifics
(i.e.  looney toons)
*well organized with simplistic vocabulary
*may have a few contradictions but uses details

* This essay is fully developed and well organized. The introduction and conclusion are strong. The writer provides reasonable support throughout the essay. The sentence structure is varied.  Conventions: (Score point 4) The writer’s errors are minimal and do not interfere with his/her communication.
* The development is full, and the organization is fairly logical. The writer takes the stand as a defender of the constitution, and his/her examples support the argument. The writer provides a good introduction and conclusion. Conventions: (Score point 4) The writer demonstrates control of conventions throughout the essay.


*richly developed
*high specificity
*a richer level of language usage (i.e. risque)
*organization is strong and fluent
*writer supports arguments well

*  This is a very strongly organized and richly developed essay. The details are excellent. The writer presents arguments, counter-arguments, and anticipates objections. There is sentence variety and the use of appropriate language. Conventions: (Score point 4) A strong control of conventions is evident.

Rubric for Tom Sawyer Scrapbook
(Evaluates the project’s content, appearance, and fulfillment of guidelines)













Disorganized & confusing; lacks a logical format; does not follow the guidelines; abrupt transition from one topic to another

Somewhat organized; some logical formatting that follows guidelines; transitions from one topic to another not always smooth

Presented in a logical, thoughtful manner; good organization; most transitions between topics smooth; nearly all guidelines followed

Extremely well-organized; logical format that was fluent from one topic to another; organization enhanced project and was very effective



Illegible writing; loose pages or stapled poorly; inappropriate use of materials; messy physical appearance; may have torn or wrinkled pages; for PPT slides poorly timed, difficult to read & follow, little or no sound

Legible writing, some ill-formed letters, print too small or too large, papers staples together; fairly good use of materials; a few illustrations; for PPT slides have errors in timing, some organization with sounds or music, some area difficult to follow

Legible writing, well-formed characters, clean & neatly bound in a report cover, illustrations provided for PPT slides are timed, organized with sounds or music, few errors in setting up slides, may or may not   contains links to other sites or music

Word processed or typed, clean & neatly bound in a cover, good quality illustrations provided; for PPT slides are well-timed, highly organized with sounds or music, easy to read and follow, contains links to other sites or music etc.



Little or no creativity used; bland, predictable and lacked “zip”

Added a few original touches to enhance project but did not incorporate throughout

Clever at times; thoughtfully and uniquely presented

Very clever and presented with originality; a unique approach; truly enhanced the project



 A few to no major topic categories in character’s life; little quality in descriptions & pictures 

Some topic categories are major areas in character’s life; Some descriptions & pictures are good quality

Most topic  categories are major  areas in character’s life; most descriptions & pictures are good quality

Topic categories are of major areas of characters life; rich descriptive language & high quality of pictures 


Demonstrated Learning & Understanding of Character

Little or no understanding of character & events in story

Some understanding of character & events in story

A good understanding of character & events in story

A thorough understanding of character & events in story 


Mechanics of Writing

Poorly organized sentences; ineffective use of language & vocabulary; lacks variety & interest; frequent errors

Some sentences are organized; some effective use of language & vocabulary; some variety & interest; more than two errors

Well-written sentences; effective use of language & vocabulary; variety & interest; one or two errors

Engaging, provocative sentences; creative writing captures interest; extremely organized sentences; sophisticated use of language & vocab. No errors


Written by Ms. Blanchard. Last updated 01/11/04.

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