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Poetry Assessment Task                                                                Background:

Poetry is a form of writing that evokes images, emotions, and ideas and as well as tell stories.  It can take a vast array of forms and styles.  It is one of the first forms of language and writing we are exposed to at a very early age such as nursery rhymes and songs.


The purpose of this task is to create a way for students to express themselves through poetry in a wide variety of ways and improve their use of words, language, and see things in different perspectives.


     Your job is to create a booklet of your poetry with illustrations using the types of poems we have learned in class.  Each type of poem has a point value assigned based on the complexity of the poetic form.  You are to have a minimum of 100 points in poems in your booklet and no more than 200 points. You may choose any combination of poetic forms but must follow the “rules” for each in order to get full credit for that poem.

Type of Poem


Point Value

Narrative Tells a story; minimum 4 stanzas & 3-5 lines each; use a rhyme scheme; alliteration, sensory language, repetition and/or figurative language.


Free Verse Irregular rhythms and lines vary in length; min. 2 stanzas & 3-5 lines each; may or may not rhyme; must use alliteration, sensory language, repetition and/or figurative language.


Lyric Expresses thoughts and feelings; min. 2 stanzas & 3-5 lines each; does not tell a story but mood through vivid pictures; musical quality; alliteration, sensory language, repetition and/or figurative language.


Limerick Humorous 5 lines; AABBA rhyme scheme;  lines 1,2 & 5 have 3 stresses; lines 3 & 4 have 2 stresses; indent lines 3 & 4



5 lines;line 1-1 two syllable word (title/ subj.) 
line 2- 4 syllable word (adj. line 1)
line 3- 6 syllable word(verb)
line 4- 8 syllable word(expressing feeling or observation of subj.)
line 5- 2 syllable word(adj. or renaming subj.)


Quatrain 4 lines; one of four rhyme schemes(AABB,ABAB,ABBA,ABCB)



7 lines; must appear as a shape of diamond
line 1- 1 word  (noun, the subj.)
line 2- 2 words (adj. describing line 1)
line 3- 3 words (verbs, ing or ed relate to line 1)
line 4- 4 words (1st two relate to line 1, 2nd two relate to line 7)
line 5- 3 words (verbs,ing or ed relate to line 7)
line 6- 2 words (adj. describing line 7)
line 7- 1 word (noun, opposite of line 1)


Tanka Similar to Haiku but 5 lines; line 1- 5 syllables, line 2- 7 syllables, line 3- 5 syllables, line 4- 7 syllables, line 5- 7 syllables may or may not be about nature


Haiku 3 lines; line 1- 5 syllables, line 2- 7 syllables, line 3- 5 syllables; delicate feelings concerning nature


Lantern Light & airy written in shape of lantern; 5 lines; line 1 – one syllable, line 2 – two syllables, line 3 – 3 syllables, line 4 – 4 syllables, line 5 – one syllable




Choose the type of poetry you would like to write.


Be sure you are following the “rules” as outlined above


Make drafts of each and edit


Create illustrations using clipart pictures, drawings


Create a booklet with an illustrated cover labeled with
your name
date, and class period


Follow the rubric to ensure high quality work

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