Homework Policy
About Mrs. Gogas
Virtual Tours
Crossword Puzzles
English Classes
Reading List
Notebook Guidelines
Book Reports

English Classes
Language Arts English classes are heterogeneous classes through which a variety of teaching methods are used to address the needs of all students with various learning styles.  

Homework Novels Crossword Puzzles Projects 

bulletStudents will improve their reading and writing skills through our novel based reading program.  
bulletGrammar skills will be taught through the students'  writing assignments.  
bulletOne project, related to the required novel reading in class, will be assigned for each term.  
bulletEach term students must read two additional novels and do some sort of book report for each.  
bulletAt least one process writing piece shall be assigned each term.
bulletA unit on folktales, myths, and legends and a poetry unit will be presented during the year.
bulletThroughout the year, students shall be preparing for MCAS testing in the spring.
bulletOur library day this year is on A day for all classes.
bulletComputer lab days for all classes are A and B days.

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