Part 1
Agape : with the mouth wide open in wonder or
Apparition : a supernatural sight or thing; a ghost or phantom
Apprentice : a person learning a trade or art; a beginner
Arrogant : too proud and contemptuous of others
Authentic : coming from the source; not copied; genuine; real.
Blandly : gently; soothingly; plainly
Depicted : to represented by drawing, painting or describing; showed
Enigmatical : baffling; puzzling; mysterious.
Flaccid : limp or weak
Lassitude : lack of energy; feeling of weakness; weariness
Mundane : of this world, not of heaven; earthly
Nonchalance : a cool unconcern; indifference.
Paroxysm : a severe, sudden attack.
Posterity : generations of the future.
Radicals : favoring extreme changes or reform
Reverie : the condition of being lost in dreamy thoughts
Trivial : not important; trifling; insignificant
Venerable : deserving respect because of age, character, or importance.
Part 2
Brackish : slightly salty; distasteful; unpleasant.
Dilapidated : falling to pieces; partly ruined or decayed through neglect.
Ethereal : light; airy; delicate.
Exuberant : very abundant; overflowing; lavish
Gesticulations : the act of making lively or exciting gestures
Hovel : a house that is small, crude, and unpleasant to live in.
Indolent : disliking work; lazy; idle.
Inundated : to overflow; overwhelm.
Lascivious : inclined to or feeling lust.
Martial : of war; suitable for war.
Maudlin : sentimental in a weak, silly way
Meager : poor or scanty; sparse; thin; lean.
Placate : to soothe or satisfy the anger of; make peaceful; appease;
Pompous : acting too proudly; self-important
Proximity : nearness; closeness.
Rendezvous : an appointment or engagement to meet at a fixed place or time
Serenity : quiet peace; peacefulness; calmness
Shunt : to switch (anything) to another
trundling : to roll along; push along on a wheel or wheels
Part 3
Befitted : to be suitable for; be proper
Billeted : cut into billets thick sticks of wood, especially for fuel.
Candelabra : an ornamental candlestick with several branches for candles.
Civilian : a person who is not a soldier
Indentured : to bind by a contract to serve someone else
Insurrection : a rising against established; a rebellion
Jubilation : a joyful celebration.
Laggard : a person or thing that moves too slowly or falls behind;
Lenient : mild or gentle; not harsh
Lucid : easy to follow or understand; sane; rational.
Piqued : a feeling of anger at being slighted; wounded pride.
Prophecy : the act of telling what will happen
Protégée : a woman under the protection person of superior position,
influence, or skill.
Sheen : gleaming brightness; luster.
Shrewder : having a sharp mind; showing a keen wit; clever
Sortie : a sudden rushing forth of troops from a besieged fort, town, etc.
Subdued : made submissive.
Sullen : silent because of bad humor or anger
Tinder : anything that catches fire easily
Unit Requirements Using
Differentiated Instruction
Levels of Learning for Johnny Tremain |
Facts |
Historical Facts of the American Revolution |
Concepts |
Historical Fiction
Story elements (setting, plot, theme, characters, etc.) |
Principles |
Authors use historical fiction to depict human life
during an historical era
War has a lasting effect on future generations
People change after traumatic experiences |
Attitudes |
Reading is boring for some students. However, history
can come alive through historical novels
Stories help students understand cultures and the
development of society |
Essential Skills |
Using everyday life to better understand historical
events impact on humans
Impact of change on character development |
Essential Questions- Content
- How does everyday life of the individual affect
the everyday life of the community?
- How do the needs of the individual affect the
needs of the community?
- Why did England’s colonial system of government
create unrest among the colonists?
- In what ways did the colonists seek to develop a
new system of government to meet the needs of the citizenry?
- How does Johnny Tremain’s character change?
- What were the major influences in his life that
facilitated the change in Johnny’s character?
- What influences people to change?
Anticipatory Set:
What was life like for people who lived
during the American Revolutionary War (1700’s)?
Reading for Purpose for Chapter 1 Questions: (+
Interdependence Questions)
- What was a daily routine like for adults (men &
women) and children?
- How could I use this information?
- How is this different from what I already know?
- Could this make my life easier in anyway?
Reading for Purpose for Chapter 2 and subsequent
chapters: (System & Change)
- What are the protagonist’s personality traits?
- See rest of questions regarding system and change.
During Reading Activities: Process
- Students record in their journals as they read:
- * important theme or message
- ? questions and confusion
- X connections : personal, global, or literary
- Highlight sensory images
- Include page and paragraph numbers
- Sticky notes can be placed in text prior to
writing in journals
- After reading a chapter, students go back to
sticky notes or journal entries and reread the parts of the chapter they
- Then formulate a predicting question or question
for clarification.
- Summarize the chapter in a brief paragraph.
Group Discussion Activities: Process
- Review summaries
- Clarify difficult words and passages
- Ask questions
- Make predictions
- Draw out scene just read
- Connecting
- Personal
- Global
- Literary
- Theme
Independent Activities for Synthesizing:
How is Johnny’s life similar and
different from your own?
Choose one of the following to do for homework:
- Re-summarize the chapter based on another
character’s perspective (ex. Dove or Marge)
- Write a poem about the chapter
- Create a web of the events
- Write a diary entry for any one of the characters
- Draw a sequence of events strip of the chapter
- Create a timeline of events
- If (character) did (not) do ___________________,
then ________
- What if there was electricity (indoor plumbing or
some other invention), how would the lives of these characters be
- List six “laws” or rules of behavior during that
- Locate an article in a newspaper, magazine, or
Internet that relates to an issue raised in Chapter 1. Explain how the
events are related. Would this be published in the 1700’s? Why or why
- Write an advertisement for Mr. Lapham’s business.
- Create a poster or flyer advertisement for Mr.
Differentiated Process
Group 1- Class work |
Group 2- Class work |
Journal entries |
Johnny Tremain scrapbook organizers |
Literature circles |
Journal entries |
Connections: personal, global, & literary |
Personal connections |
Use full text version |
Use abridged text version |
Group 1 - Homework |
Group 2- Homework |
Students in both groups can choose one of the
twelve activities. Both have readings, summarizing, and vocabulary. |
Voc. from teacher web site:
https://members.tripod.com/dscorpio |
Voc. from scrapbook worksheets |
Spelling activities: pretest
Only do homework assignments on misspelled
Types of spelling assignments:
Write words 10x each
Put words into paragraph
Create and solve a crossword puzzle
Choose a daily activity from the spelling grid |
Spelling activities: pretest
Only do homework assignments on misspelled
Types of spelling assignments:
Write words 10x each
Put words into a complete sentence
Create and solve a word search
Choose a daily activity from the spelling grid |