Homework Policy
About Mrs. Gogas
Virtual Tours
Crossword Puzzles
English Classes
Reading List
Notebook Guidelines
Book Reports


Below is a list in progress of the PowerPoint presentations that I have been creating for class instruction.  These presentations may help review and reinforce lessons that we have discussed in class.  It may be especially helpful for students who may have been absent one a specific day and in some way students can "keep" up with class and pick up more easily from where they left off.

If you have MS PowerPoint, simply click on the presentation below.  Some presentations require you to click with your mouse so as to go at your own pace. 


Name of Presentation Description of Presentation
Mrs.Gogas Mrs. Gogas's class expectations & requirements
Genres of Literary Works Various types of literature and writing with clarifications of the differences of each.
Literary Elements Elements of a story that included setting, plot, theme, and characters.
Writing The writing process and tips
Twain Management case study of steamboat business

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