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Johnny Tremain

Homework Novels Crossword Puzzles Projects
Part 1

Agape : with the mouth wide open in wonder or surprise
Apparition : a supernatural sight or thing; a ghost or phantom
Apprentice : a person learning a trade or art; a beginner
Arrogant : too proud and contemptuous of others
Authentic : coming from the source; not copied; genuine; real.
Blandly : gently; soothingly; plainly
Depicted : to represented by drawing, painting or describing; showed
Enigmatical : baffling; puzzling; mysterious.
Flaccid : limp or weak
Lassitude : lack of energy; feeling of weakness; weariness
Mundane : of this world, not of heaven; earthly
Nonchalance : a cool unconcern; indifference.
Paroxysm : a severe, sudden attack.
Posterity : generations of the future.
Radicals : favoring extreme changes or reform
Reverie : the condition of being lost in dreamy thoughts
Trivial : not important; trifling; insignificant
Venerable : deserving respect because of age, character, or importance.

Part 2
Brackish : slightly salty; distasteful; unpleasant.
Dilapidated : falling to pieces; partly ruined or decayed through neglect.
Ethereal : light; airy; delicate.
Exuberant : very abundant; overflowing; lavish
Gesticulations : the act of making lively or exciting gestures
Hovel : a house that is small, crude, and unpleasant to live in.
Indolent : disliking work; lazy; idle.
Inundated : to overflow; overwhelm.
Lascivious : inclined to or feeling lust.
Martial : of war; suitable for war.
Maudlin : sentimental in a weak, silly way
Meager : poor or scanty; sparse; thin; lean.
Placate : to soothe or satisfy the anger of; make peaceful; appease; pacify
Pompous : acting too proudly; self-important
Proximity : nearness; closeness.
Rendezvous : an appointment or engagement to meet at a fixed place or time
Serenity : quiet peace; peacefulness; calmness
Shunt : to switch (anything) to another
trundling : to roll along; push along on a wheel or wheels

Part 3
Befitted : to be suitable for; be proper
Billeted : cut into billets thick sticks of wood, especially for fuel.
Candelabra : an ornamental candlestick with several branches for candles.
Civilian : a person who is not a soldier
Indentured : to bind by a contract to serve someone else
Insurrection : a rising against established; a rebellion
Jubilation : a joyful celebration.
Laggard : a person or thing that moves too slowly or falls behind; loiterer.
Lenient : mild or gentle; not harsh
Lucid : easy to follow or understand; sane; rational.
Piqued : a feeling of anger at being slighted; wounded pride.
Prophecy : the act of telling what will happen
Protégée : a woman under the protection person of superior position, influence, or skill.
Sheen : gleaming brightness; luster.
Shrewder : having a sharp mind; showing a keen wit; clever
Sortie : a sudden rushing forth of troops from a besieged fort, town, etc.
Subdued : made submissive.
Sullen : silent because of bad humor or anger
Tinder : anything that catches fire easily

Unit Requirements Using Differentiated Instruction

Levels of Learning for Johnny Tremain


Historical Facts of the American Revolution


ë    Historical Fiction     

ë    Characterization

ë    Story elements (setting, plot, theme, characters, etc.)


ë    Authors use historical fiction to depict human life during an historical era

ë    War has a lasting effect on future generations

ë    People change after traumatic experiences


ë    Reading is boring for some students. However, history can come alive through historical novels

ë    Stories help students understand cultures and the development of society

Essential Skills

ë    Using everyday life to better understand historical events impact on humans

ë    Impact of change on character development

Essential Questions- Content


  1. How does everyday life of the individual affect the everyday life of the community?
  2. How do the needs of the individual affect the needs of the community?


  1. Why did England’s colonial system of government create unrest among the colonists?
  2. In what ways did the colonists seek to develop a new system of government to meet the needs of the citizenry?


  1. How does Johnny Tremain’s character change?
  2. What were the major influences in his life that facilitated the change in Johnny’s character?
  3. What influences people to change?

Anticipatory Set:


          What was life like for people who lived during the American Revolutionary War (1700’s)?

Reading for Purpose for Chapter 1 Questions: (+ Interdependence Questions)

  1. What was a daily routine like for adults (men & women) and children?
  2. How could I use this information?
  3. How is this different from what I already know?
  4. Could this make my life easier in anyway?

Reading for Purpose for Chapter 2 and subsequent chapters: (System & Change)

  1. What are the protagonist’s personality traits?
  2. See rest of questions regarding system and change.

During Reading Activities: Process

  1. Students record in their journals as they read:
    1. * important theme or message
    2. ? questions and confusion
    3. X connections : personal, global, or literary
    4. Highlight sensory images
    5. Include page and paragraph numbers
  2. Sticky notes can be placed in text prior to writing in journals
  3. After reading a chapter, students go back to sticky notes or journal entries and reread the parts of the chapter they identified.
  4. Then formulate a predicting question or question for clarification.
  5. Summarize the chapter in a brief paragraph.

Group Discussion Activities: Process

  1. Review summaries
  2. Clarify difficult words and passages
  3. Ask questions
  4. Make predictions
  5. Draw out scene just read
  6. Connecting
    1. Personal
    2. Global
    3. Literary
  7. Theme

Independent Activities for Synthesizing: Product


          How is Johnny’s life similar and different from your own?

Choose one of the following to do for homework:

  1. Re-summarize the chapter based on another character’s perspective (ex. Dove or Marge)
  2. Write a poem about the chapter
  3. Create a web of the events
  4. Write a diary entry for any one of the characters
  5. Draw a sequence of events strip of the chapter
  6. Create a timeline of events
  7. If (character) did (not) do ___________________, then ________
  8. What if there was electricity (indoor plumbing or some other invention), how would the lives of these characters be altered?
  9. List six “laws” or rules of behavior during that period.
  10. Locate an article in a newspaper, magazine, or Internet that relates to an issue raised in Chapter 1. Explain how the events are related. Would this be published in the 1700’s? Why or why not?
  11. Write an advertisement for Mr. Lapham’s business.
  12. Create a poster or flyer advertisement for Mr. Lapham.

Differentiated Process

Group 1- Class work

Group 2- Class work

Journal entries

Johnny Tremain scrapbook organizers

Literature circles

Journal entries

Connections: personal, global, & literary

Personal connections

Use full text version

Use abridged text version



Group 1 - Homework

Group 2- Homework

Students in both groups can choose one of the twelve activities. Both have readings, summarizing, and vocabulary.

Voc. from teacher web site: https://members.tripod.com/dscorpio

Voc. from scrapbook worksheets

Spelling activities: pretest

Only do homework assignments on misspelled words

Types of spelling assignments:

ë    Write words 10x each

ë    Put words into paragraph

ë    Create and solve a crossword puzzle

ë    Choose a daily activity from the spelling grid

Spelling activities: pretest

Only do homework assignments on misspelled words

Types of spelling assignments:

ë    Write words 10x each

ë    Put words into a complete sentence

ë    Create and solve a word search

ë    Choose a daily activity from the spelling grid

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